Monday, August 29, 2011

Hmmm, New Look? Updates too!

I mean for the blog of course! So I decided that, if I have time, then this weekend I will try to give my blog a new design. Make it more meish, you know? Well, actually you might not know, because you aren't me.... but you get the point! New look for the blog coming soon!

As for the updates, Kailey and Marisol are back from the doll hospital! Kailey's limbs are nice and tight now, so she doesn't have to use the crutches to stand up anymore! Marisol's head is... well... new! Her wig is nice and full and bouncy again!
Sorry it's not the best but... at least it's a picture!

So yuppers, just wanted to share that with you guys!


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your friends are back to heath!! Have a great day.



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- Rowan